Sunday, October 10, 2010

Scandal as an NFL pre-game tactic?

Being from Michigan, the U of M vs MSU game would have been too easy to comment on so here we go...

Earlier this week it came out that Brett Favre may have sent "racy" messages to a NY Jets employee when he was with the team. The allegations naturally made national news and I am sure interfered with the weekly prep of the Vikings. Being asked about the statements has to have an affect on Favre and the rest of the team. If nothing else it is a distraction that professional athletes do not need. The game of professional football is hard enough to play without having your focus pulled away to deal with something non-football related.

That being said.

Does anyone find it a coincidence that this weeks opponent for the Vikings is... The Jets? You have got to be kidding me. If the allegations prove to be true they have been true for over 2 years. They could have come out at any time during those two years. It just seems way to convenient to me that they came out the week prior to the Vikings vs Jets game.

That raises the question...

Did the Jets in some way have something to do with this coming out now. As I previously noted, this could have come out at any time over the last 2 years. Suspicious is probably an understatement in my opinion. Perhaps it is all just a happy coincidence but I think not. What better way to get the QB of the team you are playing off his game than to present him with a huge distraction during his prep week. Whether the allegations are true or not this would prove to be a HUGELY unprofessional move on the part of the Jets. Could I see them doing it... sure. Going into the season I thought the Jets were a down to earth, gritty, talented, working man's team that had a real chance of getting deep into the playoffs and possibly playing in the Super Bowl. I still believe they are all those things but there are some additions. I now also believe that they are a sometimes unprofessional team that thinks because they got a lot of press and were on HBO that they somehow have the right to do and say whatever they want and that they are untouchable. Coaches and players continuously run their mouths which is a part of the game to a point but to hear it daily is a bit over the top. The run in with the female reporter earlier this season speaks volumes. Braylon Edwards DWI and then joke of a suspension by the team speaks volumes. They call it professional football for a reason. Despite all the violence and fierce competition things must remain professional. Would a team do something like let slip accusations that their upcoming opponent's QB may have had some scandalous things happen years ago? I imagine some teams may have thought about it but it appears one may have gone and done it.

All the talk is that Brett Favre is being investigated and could even face a possible suspension. If he is going to be investigated I believe that the Jets should be investigated as well and if it is determined that they had anything to do with this getting out they should be penalized and penalized heavily. Draft picks being forfeit would be just a start. Competition is sometimes mean and nasty but it in end it must remain professional.

I do like the Jets and would much rather see them win rather than say the Cowboys, Patriots, or Raiders but winning should be done the right way... and if the Jets are involved in this scandal, not this way.

See you soon from the cheap seats


  1. I completely agree with you kevin its way to convenient that this comes up the week they play Favre. It is also way to convenient it comes up in the same week that the Vikings get Moss. It seems to me that the Jets were trying to cause disruptions with all these allegations. If you look at Brett Favre's career other than his retirement shenanigans he has had no issues what so ever. He had problems with alcohol early in his career but never led to any problems...I personnaly think the Jets are just trying to find some way to disrupt Farve and Moss using distraction tactics.

  2. I would like to hear the thoughts of the Mich. v MSU game :)
