Friday, October 8, 2010

Day One...

OK, so here we are at day 1 of my new Blog, View From the Cheap Seats. I hope to post here daily on something in the world of sports that has caught my eye or ear. Having been passionate about sports my whole life I generally have an opinion on most things sports related. You may agree with me, you may not but in the end we all have an opinion.

Again, let me be clear... this Blog comes from my love of sports and the views expressed are my opinions. Please feel free to comment often with your agreements or disagreements. Talking about sports is one of my favorite things to do so follow the blog, participate, have fun, and by all means spread the word to all your friends that love sports.

See you soon from the cheap seats

1 comment:

  1. Kevin this is a great idea i cant wait to have some seriouis sports discussions with you!
